Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Office Phone Hours
Lawlor Therapy Support Services Inc Provides a broad range of services for individuals who require one-on-one support * focuses on functional activities and cognitive remediation to assist people to achieve their maximum level of indepe ... 905-451-1772 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
Medical Image Wigs Medical Image Wigs has provided human hair and synthetic wigs and hairpieces for women, men and children for 25 years. Areas of expertise include: Chemotherapy, Alopecia, Thinning Hair, Male & Female ... 905-338-2688 Appointments available: 
Monday 10-5 
Tuesday 10-7 
Wednesday 10-5 
Thursday 10-7 
Friday 10-5 
Saturday 10-2
Ontario March of Dimes, West Central Regional Office Independent Living: Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services Employme ... 905-607-3463 Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm